2nd Hospitality and Tourism Education Conference in Southern Africa
Ultimately, the conference seeks to forge long term and sustainable collaborative partnership between faculty from the various participating universities. The objective is to develop and sustain a collaborative consortium of universities that will work on the issues identified through the series of conferences and seek funding together to support research and other activities. Furthermore, it is hoped that the consortium will advance the teaching, research, outreach, innovation and industrialization mandates of today’s universities, while promoting regional and international collaborations and linkages.
2nd Hospitality and Tourism Education Conference in Southern Africa
March 4, 2025 – March 6, 2025The proposed conference aims to bring together key tourism and hospitality stakeholders such as academics, public officials, private sector and civil society with the view to deliberate and make practical as well as policy recommendations on a number of tourism and hospitality related themes. Discussions are expected to follow some round table arrangements where selected participants shall provide insights, analysis and observations under the guidance of a facilitator. Each round table session is expected to feature a question and answers engagement between participants and the audience.Ultimately, the conference seeks to forge long term and sustainable collaborative partnership between faculty from the various participating universities. The objective is to develop and sustain a collaborative consortium of universities that will work on the issues identified through the series of conferences and seek funding together to support research and other activities. Furthermore, it is hoped that the consortium will advance the teaching, research, outreach, innovation and industrialization mandates of today’s universities, while promoting regional and international collaborations and linkages.
In an era characterised by rapid technological advancement, shifting consumer demand, and increasing environmental uncertainty, businesses face unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Navigating these dynamic landscapes requires more than traditional approaches, which necessitate a commitment to innovation, sustainability, and adaptability. Organisations must embrace new paradigms that not only drive profitability but also promote social responsibility and environmental stewardship. By fostering a culture of innovation, organizations can discover creative solutions to complex problems, thereby ensuring that they remain competitive in an ever-evolving marketplace. Simultaneously, integrating sustainability into business strategies is no longer optional. It is a critical component of long-term success and global responsibility. The forward path involves rethinking traditional business models, leveraging cutting-edge technologies, and meaningfully engaging stakeholders. The primary objective of this conference is to establish an impactful platform for promoting connections, collaboration, and the exchange of diverse research findings and problem-solving methodologies in the business field. We invite you to submit papers that align with various tracks of the conference.
June 23, 2025 – June 25, 2025In an era characterised by rapid technological advancement, shifting consumer demand, and increasing environmental uncertainty, businesses face unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Navigating these dynamic landscapes requires more than traditional approaches, which necessitate a commitment to innovation, sustainability, and adaptability. Organisations must embrace new paradigms that not only drive profitability but also promote social responsibility and environmental stewardship. By fostering a culture of innovation, organizations can discover creative solutions to complex problems, thereby ensuring that they remain competitive in an ever-evolving marketplace. Simultaneously, integrating sustainability into business strategies is no longer optional. It is a critical component of long-term success and global responsibility. The forward path involves rethinking traditional business models, leveraging cutting-edge technologies, and meaningfully engaging stakeholders. The primary objective of this conference is to establish an impactful platform for promoting connections, collaboration, and the exchange of diverse research findings and problem-solving methodologies in the business field. We invite you to submit papers that align with various tracks of the conference.
This conference brings together researchers, educators, trainers, industry experts and students from various disciplines around the world. The aim of the conference is to provide a forum for sharing experience, expertise and innovative ideas on the teaching and learning of academic literacies and professional communication in the workplace.
5th International Conference on Academic and Professional Communication
July 16, 2025 – July 18, 2025Theme
Shaping the future: Trends and Approaches to academic and professional communication in a digital era
About the conference
The Communication and Study Skills Unit (CSSSU) of the University of Botswana is excited to announce a call for proposals for the 5th International Conference on Academic and Professional Communication (ICAPC) slated for 16th -18th July 2025. The ICAPC is a biennial academic event and is a response to the growth of academic literacy and professional communication as research areas.
4th International Conference in Academic and Professional Communication
July 9, 2018 – July 11, 2018SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS NOW OPEN FROM JANUARY 23 - MAY 30 2018
Advances in Academic and Professional Writing Research, Pedagogy and Practice in Education: The Past, the Present and the Future.
I. New forms of academic writing
ii. Writing in the disciplines-
iii. Multi lingualism and academic writing
iv. Academic writing Practice and pedagogy
· Academic literacies
· Advancing academic writing through corpora
· Multi-modality and academic writing
· Collaborative academic writing
· Teaching academic writing to large groups
· Feedback in academic writing
· Metadiscourse
· Influencing institutional policies
v. Professional Writing
· Pragmatic approaches to technical writing
· Discursive approaches to professional writing
· Representations, identity and power in professional writing
· Ethics and morals in professional writing
July 15, 2015 – July 17, 2015The 3rd International Conference in Academic and Professional Communication will expatiate on Communication for Change, Innovation, Excellence, Advancement and Glocalisation.
Keynote speakers:
- Srikant Sarangi
- Sinfree Makoni
- Sue Wharton
For more information click here
International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience in the 21st Century and Beyond
International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience in the 21st Century and Beyond
June 25, 2024 – June 26, 2024The Department of Civil Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Botswana presents the International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience in the 21st Century and Beyond (ICCESR-2024).
Submission of final paper for accepted abstracts here>>
Mopipiworx 2024
December 30, 2024 – December 31, 2024
International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Artificial Intelligence in Finance and Insurance
June 24, 2026 – June 27, 2026The Department of Mathematics and the Department of Computer Science at the University of Botswana, Gaborone Campus will co-host the first International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Artificial Intelligence in Finance and Insurance dates on June 24-27, 2024 at the University of Botswana Conference Centre, Gaborone. This international conference aims to bring together experienced researchers, practitioners in industry and commerce, policy makers and students in the disciplines of Mathematics of Finance and Insurance, Statistics, Computer Science and Information Technology to share latest research results and tenets of best practice. The conference also aims to narrow the gap been theory and practice in finance and insurance. The ultimate goal is to establish a permanent forum for the exchange of expertise and experiences between academia and industry.
24-27 June 2024
Mathematical Modelling in Finance and Insurance
1.Stochastic Analysis with applications to Finance and Insurance
2.Financial and Actuarial Modelling
3.Volatility, Hedging and Credit Risk Modelling
4.Optimal Pension Fund Management
5.Regulation and Supervision of Financial Systems
6.Interplay of Finance and Insurance
7.Game theoretic approach to Finance and Insurance
8.Econometric Methods in Finance and Insurance
9.Optimisation and Simulation in the Financial Industry
10.Interest Rate Theory and Practice
11.Other relevant topics.
Artificial Intelligence in Finance and Insurance
1.Supervised learning
2.Unsupervised learning
3.Reinforcement learning
4.Transfer learning
5.Natural language processing and Large Language Models
6.Time series prediction
7.Validation and calibration of financial models
8.Multi-agent systems and game-theoretic analysis of financial markets
9.Automated trading and portfolio optimization
10.Explainability of AI & ML systems
11.Security and privacy of AI & ML systems
12.Oversight of Artificial Intelligence in finance
13.Uncertainty and risk management
14.AI for financial planning and wealth management
Venue : University of Botswana Conference Centre
The University of Botswana (UB) is a premier University located in Botswana’s city, Gaborone. As a modern university, the UB offers a multiple state of the art facilities on campus. The UB Conference Centre is one of the newest additions to the long list of world class facilities at the University aimed at advancing the UB’s vision of becoming a centre of excellence in terms of teaching, learning and research. The centre is equipped with the necessary presentation accessories as well as free Wi-Fi access which is a standard offering within proximity of all major buildings on campus.
We have an international standard library worth a visit. For the scholarship enthusiasts, the UB library is worth a visit. It is not only one of the biggest in the sub-Saharan region but also one of the best stocked in terms of both electronic and hard copy academic material. Other such facilities as the magnificent Indoor Sports Complex and University hospital would interest those with a taste for iconic facilities.
Besides the University campus, this small city is awash with shopping malls, places of entertainment, cultural and scenic spaces as well as a very welcoming and hospitable populace.
Email: mmaifi2024@ub.ac.bw
Chair: Dr. Elias Offen (University of Botswana)
- Dr. E. Offen (Chair)
- Dr. G. Anderson
- Dr. O. Basemanebotlhe
- Dr. E. Chikodza
- Dr. O. Daman
- Dr. O. Dira
- Mrs. B. Gopolang
- Dr. P. Kaelo
- Dr. J. Khengere
- Dr. G. Mosweunyane
- Dr. K. Ndlovu
- Mr. T.Z. Nkgau
- Mr. C. Sam
- Mrs. T. Taukobong
- Dr. R. Tufa
- Dr. T. Yane
August 11, 2023 – August 12, 2023Botswana is participating in the Strengthening Research and Innovation Management (SRIM) II Programme which is part sponsored by the South Africa Department of Science and Innovation and SADC Secretariat and implemented by the Southern Africa Research and Innovation Management Association (SARIMA). The objective of SRIM II is to support, facilitate and promote the management of science, technology and innovation at institutional levels for socio-economic value and wealth creation, which the Botswana chapter aligns to by virtue of building capacity and promoting connection and cooperation between Research & Innovation (R & I) Management practitioners, institutions and other role players within the country R & I ecosystem. Further to that the Botswana chapter implementation project will advance R & I Management and strengthen the professional and technical skills as well as capacity of practitioners and their institutions in the country.
The proposed Botswana SRIM Programme aims to contribute in a meaningful way to the development of R & I Managers as key facilitators of research impact in the country. This will be done by conducting a two (2) day symposium: The symposium will bring together key actors in the national R & I system to provide a community platform where R & I management professionals from Botswana will come together in a face-to-face forum to discuss papers/topics in question and examine the issues and trends within their national R & I ecosystem and network; and support and learn from each other on practices of R & I management in the country. The community of best practice is ever-growing in professionalisation in the country and will serve as an opportunity for training and data collection on the national R & I ecosystem that will be incorporated into country reports and benchmarking.
The Botswana Family Medicine and Primary Health Care Conference & Scientific Meeting
Worldwide, about one in six people live with a disability. People living with disability in Botswana, like in many countries, face widespread barriers in accessing health care and related services. These include physically inaccessible health care institutions, negative attitudes of healthcare providers and denial of treatment on grounds of disability. Primary healthcare providers are well placed to identify,care and meet the health needs of those with neurosensorial, physical, psychosocial disabilities and other mental health conditions .
This year’s theme aims to enable primary healthcare providers to contribute to achieving optimal health, functioning, well-being and human rights for all persons with disabilities in keeping with the WHO 2030 call for action health care systems to provide rehabilitation. The advent of Covid-19 and its sequale underscore the need for primary care to strengthen its approach to rehabilition.
Speakers will include health care practitioners, academics, researchers and students from the SADC region and beyond.
The 9th Botswana Family Medicine and Primary Health Care Conference & Scientific Meeting
September 11, 2024 – September 13, 2024The Department of Family Medicine & Public Health, the Botswana Family Medicine Association, and the Botswana Family Nurse Practitioners Group present the 9th Botswana Family Medicine and Primary Health Care Conference.
The theme for this year’s conference is:
“Primary Healthcare System Strengthening in the Digital Technology Era: Reshaping the future of primary healthcare”.
The 8th Botswana Family Medicine and Primary Health Care Conference & Scientific
September 14, 2023 – September 15, 2023The Department of Family Medicine & Public Health in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Botswana presents the 8th Botswana Family Medicine and Primary Health Care Conference.
The theme for this year’s conference is
“Rehabilitation in the Covid-19 era: Primary Healthcare & Rehabilitation 2030 call for action”
Department of English:12th International Conference
Department of English:12th International Conference
June 14, 2023 – June 16, 2023Changes in technology are radically transforming how companies and governments operate and how individuals live, work, and interact. Such changes ultimately lead to societal transformations similar to previous industrial revolutions. The transformation may be achieved through any of the following tools: artificial intelligence, augmented reality, blockchain, drones, internet of things, robotics, virtual reality, and 3-D printing, among others. Technology in general has made the world smaller, hence the moniker of a global village. With the world thus contracted, technological tools become an imperative to make hitherto cumbersome, mundane and repetitive tasks less irksome to people. In short, we live in an age where complexities of the world force humanity to strive for simplicity and convenience. However, convenience comes at a cost, such as uncertainty regarding job security, the danger of change in human behaviour and risks of cyber security. The worst security threat posed by the 4IR is an unfortunate belief that 4IR has exacerbated the perceived dichotomy between STEM subjects and the Arts and Humanities. Through the 4IR, health, agriculture, communication, and disaster management, to mention only these, will be improved. The challenge however remains about how such technologies are mediated. The role of language will continue to be at the centre of all technological advancements. A brave new world requires the humanizing influence of the Arts and Humanities for it to be complete. The Arts and Humanities come in as the arbiter and moderator of human aspirations.
It is against this background that the theme of the 12th Conference of the Department of English at the University of Botswana is ‘The role of language and literature in the 4th industrial revolution’. This conference, which will be held from 14-16 June 2023, will provide a platform for researchers, academics, educators, language planners, literary scholars, theatre practitioners and other professionals in Africa and elsewhere to interrogate the role and importance of language and literature in the 4th industrial revolution. The conference will provide a forum for the description and analysis of various indigenous languages and the role they play in a fast-changing world. Contributors are encouraged to submit papers that look at the interface between literature, language, and technology, orthography and challenges to orthography, vocabulary, the centrality of computational linguistics, speech to text and text to speech solutions, spellcheckers, translation and such language and literary technologies necessitated by a shrinking world.
To access either the Book of Abstracts or Conference Schedule click on the links below:
17th Congress of The Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa (AHILA)
17th Congress of The Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa (AHILA)
October 16, 2023 – October 20, 2023Call for Paper Abstracts, Posters, and Lightning Talks
You are cordially invited to the 17th Congress of The Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa (AHILA) Botswana 2023 on the 16th – 20th October 2023, at University of Botswana Conference Centre, Plot No: 4775 Notwane rd, Gaborone, Botswana. The theme of the conference is “Equitable Access to Health Information: The Key to Better Health”.
Media Studies Conference on Youth and Digital Africa
You are hereby invited for a Media Studies Conference on Youth and Digital Africa. The face to face event will form part of the University of Johannesburg and University of Botswana Media Students Study Tour 2022. The Conference takes place at the University of Botswana Library Auditorium, Gaborone, Botswana, on October 12, 2022, starting with registration at 8.30 am.
Media Studies Conference on Youth and Digital Africa
October 12, 2022 – March 13, 2023Media Studies Conference on Youth and Digital Africa
University of Botswana
Hosted by
University of Botswana Media Studies Department and University of Johannesburg School of Communication
You are hereby invited for a Media Studies Conference on Youth and Digital Africa. The face to face event will form part of the University of Johannesburg and University of Botswana Media Students Study Tour 2022. The Conference takes place at the University of Botswana Library Auditorium, Gaborone, Botswana, on October 12, 2022, starting with registration at 8.30 am.
2022 UB Research and Innovation Competition
October 21, 2022 – October 22, 2022UB 2022 INNOVATION CHALLENGE>>
Download application documents >>>
Start the Submission process>>>>
DLIS 5th Biennial
You are cordially invited to the 5th Biennial DLIS Conference to be held virtually from 9th – 11th April 2025 in Gaborone. The theme of the conference is “Strengthening Information and Knowledge Management Paradigms in the Era of Advanced Technologies”.
The 2025 DLIS 5th Biennial
April 9, 2025 – April 11, 2025The Department of Library and Information Studies (DLIS), University of Botswana proposes to hold a three-day 5th International Conference on the theme “Strengthening Information and Knowledge Management Paradigms in the Era of Advanced Technologies”.
The 2022 DLIS 4th Biennial
April 25, 2022 – April 27, 2022You are cordially invited to the 4th Biennial DLIS Conference to be held virtually from 25-27 April, 2022 in Gaborone. The theme of the conference is “Information and Knowledge Management in the 4th Industrial Revolution and COVID-19 Era”.
Due to rapid advancement of technologies, management of information and knowledge resources is central in the stride towards knowledge-based economies. There is a paradigm shift in information generation, storage, accessibility and use. Traditional libraries, Records and Archive Management Centres among others are being replaced by pervasive libraries and information systems, where information can be accessed and utilized anywhere and anytime. Knowledge has been at the heart of economic growth in the developed economies. Knowledge management is also tied with Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) transformation. Technological advancement and the application of digital tools to transform organizational operations has steadily increased with the advent of 4IR.
In the middle of the clamour for the 4IR, Corona Virus pandemic, otherwise known as COVID 19 struck and caused a devastating effect in organisations and the lives of people world-wide. In this time of disruption, the technologies driving the 4IR offered some respite to continue a semblance of normality in economy and business, education, training and life as organizations started operating from remote locations, rather than on site. These developments enable information and knowledge to find relevance not only in times of emergency as observed during Covid-19, but also in the fourth industrial revolution.
14th Biennial GNWHOCCNM conference
The University of Botswana, School of Nursing, in conjunction with Global Network for WHO Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery(GNWHOCCNM), is excited to bring together nurse leaders, practitioners, researchers, and educators from the global arena for engagement as well as to exchange information and ideas on how nurses and midwives are a relevant resource that can turn around the current health landscape for better health outcomes and contribute significantly to the achievement of Universal Health Coverage. Nurses and Midwives are pivotal in engaging with various stakeholders at the individual, family, community, and national levels. Alongside, the Midwifery Network group will host their meeting to extend opportunities for networking and exchange of ideas and knowledge.
14th Biennial GNWHOCCNM 2022
June 14, 2022 – June 16, 2022The University of Botswana, School of Nursing, in conjunction with Global Network for WHO Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery(GNWHOCCNM), is excited to bring together nurse leaders, practitioners, researchers, and educators from the global arena to Botswana for 14th Biennial GNWHOCCNM Conference. The diverse group of participants will engage to show the role of nurses and midwives so far in the achievement of Universal Health Coverage. Nurses and Midwives are pivotal in engaging with various stakeholders at the individual, family, community, and national levels. Alongside, the Midwifery Network group will host their meeting to extend opportunities for networking and exchange of ideas and knowledge. The conference will be hosted virtually.
The objectives of the Conference are to:
- Share experiences from nurses and midwives on their engagement and contribution to the achievement of universal health coverage.
- Provide networking and knowledge exchange opportunities at the global level to discuss and engage in tackling health issues that impact healthy positive outcomes.
- Demonstrate the role of nurses and midwives in transferring global health towards the attainment of UHC for improved health
- Develop effective collaboration action to build nursing and midwifery capacity
About Botswana
Botswana is landlocked with a population of 2.2 million located in Southern Africa. It is an Upper middle-income country with political and economic stability that has been maintained since independence in 1966. The word Pula means” rain” in Setswana and refers to the money being precious as Botswana does not get a lot of rain and therefore an important resource that sustains livelihoods.
Gaborone is the capital city of Botswana situated on the South East part and serves as the business centre on the South of the country. The University of Botswana (UB) is the first national university, based in Gaborone, It has a state-of-the-art conferencing and accommodation facility within reach of the Central Business Development area.There is information technology support system in the university. Hotels have provision for free internet access and already on 4G in all Gaborone hospitality services.
Transportation services
Air Travel
There is reliable air transport from Johannesburg directly to Gaborone. Qatar Airways and Ethiopian Airways have direct flights to Botswana which makes travel for the international community easier.
Local Air Travel
Local flights to tourist areas for example, the Okavango Delta, Maun and Kasane, are available and to other major cities.
Road: There is bus service from OR Tambo airport to Gaborone daily (Flight Connect)
Transport within Gaborone
Travel within Gaborone is by Taxis, Cabs, or car rental (AVIS etc).The transport fares will be determined by the type of service one chooses at the following rates namely; taxis and mini buses at the rate of P5.00 (0.46 USD) and the fare for cabs ranges from P50-100 (4.55 -9.10 USD equivalent) Some hotels offer shuttle services from and to the airport. All public transport have designated blue plate numbers.
Botswana Tourist Attraction
The Kalahari Desert is the home to the Central Kalahari Game Reserve that is host to many animals including the big five and other animals which is also serving as a tourism hub in the South. More details at www.botswanatourism.co.bw
About Gaborone
Location: Gaborone is the capital city of Botswana found on the south East part of the country. Botswana is landlocked with a population of 2.2 million people is a middle-income country with political and economic stability that has been since independence in 1966. . The word Pula means” rain” in Setswana and refers to the money being precious as Botswana does not get a lot of rain and therefore an important resource for that sustains livelihoods.
Botswana Tourist attraction
The Kalahari Desert is the home to the Central Kalahari Game reserve that is host to many animals including the big five and other animals which is also serving as a business centre in the South. More details at www.botswanatourism.co.bw
Gaborone is the capital city of Botswana. The University of Botswana (UB), based in Gaborone, has a state-of-the-art conferencing and accommodation facility within reach of the Central Business Development area. The internet connectivity at UB is fast and reliable through stable connectivity, namely the undersea optic fibre covering most cities and towns. Hotels have provision for free internet access and already on 4G in all Gaborone hospitality services.
Transportation services
Air: There is reliable air transport from Johannesburg directly to Gaborone. Qatar Airways and Ethiopian airways have direct flights to Botswana which makes travel for the international community easier.
Road: There is bus service from OR Tambo to Gaborone daily (Flight Connect)
Within Gaborone: Travel within Gaborone is by Taxis, Cabs, or car rental (AVIS etc)
In Local flights to tourists for example, the Okavango Delta, Maun and Kasane, are available and to other major cities. Local transport in Gaborone is available through taxis/cabs, and mini buses at the rate of P5.00 and the amount for cabs ranges from P50-100. Some hotels offer shuttle services from and to the airport. All public transport have designated blue plate numbers.
More details at www.botswanatourism.co.bw
3rd African Seismological Commission General Assembly
African Seismological Commission (AfSC) Mission
The AfSC mission is to promote the Science of Seismology within the scientific community of the African countries, by promoting research studies, to extend and enhance scientific co-operation and to train young scientists.
The 3rd General Assembly of the African Seismological Commission (AfSC3GA2020) will be held in Kasane, Botswana on 28 June–4 July 2020.
This is the third event in the biennial AfSC General Assembly series, and the first Commission’s GA to be hosted in Southern Africa and to extend invitation not only from the African countries but also from the global citizens. As such, the AfSC3GA2020 will truly be a unique forum for global citizen participation embracing youth and women in science, researchers, academics and students working in a wide range of seismic and seismotectonic themes and topics.
The Third GA will provide a new model for the participation of scientists from Africa blended together with participants from around the world to articulate results, ideas, approaches and innovations in support of continental needs for seismic disaster risk reduction, promoting minimization of loss of human life, property damage and socio-economic disruption due to earthquakes in Africa.
The AfSC3GA2020 will furnish a distinctive global multi-disciplinary platform for scientists interested in seismological research in Africa and other similar geological settings around the world. This is a platform that will enable scientists to share their findings and exchange data, knowledge, ideas and advances in the earthquake monitoring, impact research trends, co-identify collaboration and partnership opportunities, potential research themes of common interest and mutual benefit to Africa and the global community, and articulation of applicable strategies for possible solutions to the earthquake disaster risk mitigation.
Building on the success of the previous General Assemblies (GAs), the 3rd GA will facilitate the formulation of new frontiers of research and foster multi-sectoral participation through provision of interdisciplinary scientific sessions including seismic network operation, earthquakes monitoring, seismotectonics, earth structure, seismic hazard assessment and public education and outreach, among others.
To this end, participants are invited to submit their abstracts or papers in English, all of which will be presented in various oral and poster sessions and subsequently published in a journal special volume dedicated to the AfSC3GA2020 in support of participants interested in having their presentations published.
We take this opportunity to wish everyone a fruitful 2020 and a very enjoyable and stimulating GA in support of this great African scientific gathering, and very much look forward to warmly welcoming you all in Botswana.
Conference Website : http://www.afsc3ga2020.co.bw/
3rd African Seismological Commission General Assembly
June 28, 2020 – July 4, 2020The 3rd General Assembly of the African Seismological Commission (AfSC3GA2020) will be held in Kasane, Botswana on 28 June–4 July 2020.
This is the third event in the biennial AfSC General Assembly series, and the first Commission’s GA to be hosted in Southern Africa and to extend invitation not only from the African countries but also from the global citizens. As such, the AfSC3GA2020 will truly be a unique forum for global citizen participation embracing youth and women in science, researchers, academics and students working in a wide range of seismic and seismotectonic themes and topics.
The Third GA will provide a new model for the participation of scientists from Africa blended together with participants from around the world to articulate results, ideas, approaches and innovations in support of continental needs for seismic disaster risk reduction, promoting minimization of loss of human life, property damage and socio-economic disruption due to earthquakes in Africa.
The AfSC3GA2020 will furnish a distinctive global multi-disciplinary platform for scientists interested in seismological research in Africa and other similar geological settings around the world. This is a platform that will enable scientists to share their findings and exchange data, knowledge, ideas and advances in the earthquake monitoring, impact research trends, co-identify collaboration and partnership opportunities, potential research themes of common interest and mutual benefit to Africa and the global community, and articulation of applicable strategies for possible solutions to the earthquake disaster risk mitigation.
Building on the success of the previous General Assemblies (GAs), the 3rd GA will facilitate the formulation of new frontiers of research and foster multi-sectoral participation through provision of interdisciplinary scientific sessions including seismic network operation, earthquakes monitoring, seismotectonics, earth structure, seismic hazard assessment and public education and outreach, among others.
To this end, participants are invited to submit their abstracts or papers in English, all of which will be presented in various oral and poster sessions and subsequently published in a journal special volume dedicated to the AfSC3GA2020 in support of participants interested in having their presentations published.
We take this opportunity to wish everyone a fruitful 2020 and a very enjoyable and stimulating GA in support of this great African scientific gathering, and very much look forward to warmly welcoming you all in Botswana.
Family Medicine Conference
The 7th Botswana National Family Medicine and Primary Health Care Conference: 2019
September 11, 2019 – September 12, 2019
12th Southern African - Nordic Centre (SANORD) 2019 Annual Scientific Conference
12th Southern African - Nordic Centre (SANORD) 2019 Annual Scientific Conference
September 11, 2019 – September 13, 2019Welcome to the 12th SANORD Annual Scientific Conference hosted by the University of Botswana in Gaborone, Botswana. This year’s theme; “Role of Higher Education in Forging Sustainable Livelihoods” was selected because of its alignment to the Strategic Development Goals (SDGs). It is an exciting time for SANORD as we continue to grow and adapt, remaining always adaptable, motivated and responsive to global priority issues in education, research and wellbeing. Africa is facing challenges and changes as we strive towards the achievement of SGDs. Sustainable livelihoods is therefore an interesting area in which to work, research and collaborate, and SANORD member institutions will continue to meet and bring inspired people together in forums like this to ensure that SANORD remains at the front of capacity development and research production.
The conference plenary sessions have been organised according to priority areas reflected within the subthemes of the conference: private sector and SDGs implementation, graduate Employability and impact on sustainable development, gender equity & empowerment of women & girls for sustainable livelihood, healthier population and labour productivity in competitive global market, poverty eradication agenda in higher education and research institutions, revitalising global partnership for sustainable development and livelihood and sustainable livelihoods in urban and rural economy and natural resources. Speakers will therefore, address various relevant aspects of the subthemes during parallel sessions.
The conference will feature abstract-driven poster sessions which will be displayed throughout the duration of the conference and delegates may view posters at any time between sessions.
As I invite you to the 2019 SANORD Conference in Gaborone, let me express my deepest appreciation to the numerous speakers, special guests, collaborators, sponsors, delegates, SANORD Board and Council members and the Local Organising Committee for their various contributions in making the 2019 SANORD Annual Scientific Conference a success.