Conference structure
The conference structure includes concurrent panels, individual presentations (oral or poster) and work in progress sessions.
Individual papers (Oral/poster)
- Abstract length should be approximately 250 words.
- Presenters should indicate preference for oral or poster presentation.
- The decision on poster or oral presentation will be determined by organizers after the peer review process.
- Oral presentations will be allocated 30 minutes (20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.)
- Poster sessions will be scheduled for 90 minutes (dedicated sessions), with each individual presentations are allocated 10 mins (5 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion).
- Poster presenters must be present to discuss their work during dedicated sessions.
Panels should address any topic in the common theme, content, or methodological area. The time allocated for panels will be 90 minutes and may run in parallel sessions. Please provide an abstract of about 250 words that includes a list of all panelists and a coordinator.
Panel submissions
- a. Panel submissions must address the conference theme.
- b. Should include an overview of about 300 words highlighting content and objectives and 3-5 key words.
- c. Should include an abstract of not more than 250 words for each presentation within the panel.
- d. Provide information about the panel members and the coordinator, full institutional addresses, and email addresses.
Work in progress sessions
The work in progress sessions is to give early career researchers, as well as Doctoral and Post-doctoral and experienced researchers undertaking or planning pilot projects or having preliminary results of their studies, an opportunity to share insights.
Notification of acceptance: 7th April 2025
Following acceptance, responsible or presenting authors must register for participation prior to the finalization of the conference program.
How to Submit:
1. Online using the link below.
2. Through email to .
Author Guidelines
The official language of the conference is English. The abstract must be written in English. The abstracts will be subjected to a blind peer review. The following structure is suggested for writing the abstracts: Background (contextualizing the study); Aim/Objectives (including the research question); Methodology/ Conceptual framework; Key findings/ Conclusions/implications.
Start here to submit a paper to this conference.
Step one of the submission process