Conference Policies

Peer Review Process

Blind peer review



Sub-theme 1: Construction Materials

1.1     Smart and eco-friendly construction materials

1.2     Nanomaterials

1.3     Sustainable construction materials

Sub-theme 2: Climate Change Adaptation  and Mitigation in Civil  Engineering

2.1  Adaptation to climate change and its mitigation in the production of construction materials, design and construction processes

Sub-theme 3: Advances and Innovations in Civil Engineering Designs

3.1     Geotechnical Engineering

3.2     Structural Engineering

3.3     Transportation Engineering

3.4     Hydraulic Engineering

3.5     Geomatics Engineering

Sub-theme 4: Advances in Construction Engineering and Management

4.1     Construction technologies and methods including BIM, lean construction, green and sustainable construction (4Rs)

4.2     Construction project management processes including  front-end,  resources, SHE, stakeholder, procurement, PPP and triple constraint management

4.3     Maintenance and rehabilitation of infrastructures

Sub-theme 5: Smart Technologies in Civil Engineering

5.1     Structural Health Monitoring, Modelling and Risk Assessment

5.2     Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning applications in Civil Engineering

Sub-theme 6: Water Resources and Environmental Engineering

6.1     Surface and Groundwater management

6.2     Water supply, optimization and management

6.3     Advances in water treatment, wastewater treatment and desalination technologies

6.4     Application of geospatial techniques in water and environmental engineering systems

Sub-theme 7: Sustainable and Integrated Engineering

7.1     Electrical, Mechanical and Energy Systems including Building Services

7.2     Civil Engineering Practice in the Mining Industry

Sub-theme 8: Policies for Resilient and Sustainable Civil Engineering Infrastructure

8.1    Socio-economic and environmental aspects in sustainable construction including SDGs, UN Vision 2030 and Botswana Vision 2036

8.2    Standards, Regulations and Codes of Practice

Sub-theme 9: Civil Engineering Education and Professional Practice

9.1    Curriculum development, and scholarship of teaching and learning

9.2    Engineering education, research and practice in multidisciplinary environments

9.3    STEM and gender in Engineering Education

9.4    Accreditation of engineering programmes, registration and regulation of practice of registered engineers