Circle of Concerned African Women Theologian 5th Pan-African Conference

University of Botswana

July 2, 2019 – July 4, 2019

As the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians celebrates thirty years of existence and impressive productivity, the fifth continent wide conference shall be held in Gaborone, Botswana in July 2-5, 2019. Given that the land is often constructed as female gendered and the oppression of women is interlinked with the oppression of the Earth; and given that it is widely acknowledged that we live in the era of global warming - which is humanly induced and of which many have also linked with anthropocentric religious/cultural/theological perspectives -- the conference theme calls for research papers that interrogate the link between gender, land, race, class, ethnicity, colonialism, globalization and environmental sustainability. It solicits for papers that reimagine human relationships with the Earth from paradigms of liberation.

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