The 5th International Conference of the Department of Library and Information Studies (DLIS), University of Botswana solicits abstracts in any area that relates to Information and Knowledge Management within the African context and beyond Specifically, Africa is currently undergoing information and communication technology (ICT) revolution, which since the start of the millennium has seen significant growth. Though Africa has made such strides especially in the Mobile phone penetration, the continent still lags behind in other ICT areas such as artificial intelligence and the use of modern technologies. The desire for many African nations is to advance themselves through the use and application of ICTs. In today’s digital age, information and knowledge management play a crucial role in driving innovation, facilitating decision making and fostering sustainable development. However, the effective application and utilization of ICTs by institutions charged with the management of information resources has often been hampered by several factors including weak legislative, regulatory and policy frameworks, outdated programmes, inadequate funding, lack of training, and use of outdated technologies to name but a few.
Hence DLIS proposes to hold a three-day conference on the theme “Strengthening Information and Knowledge Management Paradigms in the Era of Advanced Technologies”. The Conference invites abstracts from knowledge and information management professionals including archivists, records managers, librarians, educators, indigenous knowledge management experts, information technology specialists, educators and practitioners discussing and exploring ways of enhancing information and knowledge management practices in in Africa and beyond on any of the following topics:
- Access to information in the Digital Era
- Archival programming
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Copyright issues in the digital era
- Data mining,
- Data protection and Privacy issues
- Digital Curation
- Electronic Records management
- Ethical issues in information management
- Freedom of information
- Information governance Frameworks
- Information management and Organizational culture
- Information security
- Knowledge sharing
- Knowledge transfer and retention
- Organizing knowledge in the digital era
- Indigenous Knowledge systems
- Training and Education
- Emerging technologies
- Other related topics on the theme
Abstracts should include:
- 300 - 500 words.
- · A summary of the author(s) details (name, institution, position) and at least five keywords.
- Abstracts should be sent to the following e-mails (Deadline: 25 October 2024);;
Important dates:
- Submission of Abstracts: 25 October 2024
- Acceptance note: 1 November 2024
- Complete papers due:15 January 2025
- Notification of acceptance of full paper: 1 February 2025
- Camera ready papers: 01 March 2025
Conference Registration Fees:
- Author/Other Delegates - Early Fee until 28 March 2025: US$ 300
- Author/Other Delegates - Standard Fee: US$350
- Poster/Students: US$100
- Exhibitions: US$250 per person inclusive of meals
- Virtual Paper Presentation: US$100
Conference Proceedings will be published.
Note: Information on travel and accommodation will be provided at a later date.
Also, note that all expenses including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation etc are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by DLIS, but an invitation letter can be issued to author(s)/presenters of accepted papers.