Travelodge Kasane
June 28, 2020 – July 4, 2020
The 3rd General Assembly of the African Seismological Commission (AfSC3GA2020) will be held in Kasane, Botswana on 28 June–4 July 2020.
This is the third event in the biennial AfSC General Assembly series, and the first Commission’s GA to be hosted in Southern Africa and to extend invitation not only from the African countries but also from the global citizens. As such, the AfSC3GA2020 will truly be a unique forum for global citizen participation embracing youth and women in science, researchers, academics and students working in a wide range of seismic and seismotectonic themes and topics.
The Third GA will provide a new model for the participation of scientists from Africa blended together with participants from around the world to articulate results, ideas, approaches and innovations in support of continental needs for seismic disaster risk reduction, promoting minimization of loss of human life, property damage and socio-economic disruption due to earthquakes in Africa.
The AfSC3GA2020 will furnish a distinctive global multi-disciplinary platform for scientists interested in seismological research in Africa and other similar geological settings around the world. This is a platform that will enable scientists to share their findings and exchange data, knowledge, ideas and advances in the earthquake monitoring, impact research trends, co-identify collaboration and partnership opportunities, potential research themes of common interest and mutual benefit to Africa and the global community, and articulation of applicable strategies for possible solutions to the earthquake disaster risk mitigation.
Building on the success of the previous General Assemblies (GAs), the 3rd GA will facilitate the formulation of new frontiers of research and foster multi-sectoral participation through provision of interdisciplinary scientific sessions including seismic network operation, earthquakes monitoring, seismotectonics, earth structure, seismic hazard assessment and public education and outreach, among others.
To this end, participants are invited to submit their abstracts or papers in English, all of which will be presented in various oral and poster sessions and subsequently published in a journal special volume dedicated to the AfSC3GA2020 in support of participants interested in having their presentations published.
We take this opportunity to wish everyone a fruitful 2020 and a very enjoyable and stimulating GA in support of this great African scientific gathering, and very much look forward to warmly welcoming you all in Botswana.
Conference Information
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